Hi there ♥️. Happy Easter everybody?. What a perfect way to end Holy Ground, on the day Christ rose from the dead?. I can’t begin to describe the support you all gave me. Thank you all very much, I appreciate the love and encouragement ?. A special thank you, to you Alex Barnes, for your kind words of wisdom and for not letting me give up easily. That’s why this last episode is dedicated to you. You are amazing ?. Until my next story…it’s goodbye from your favorite writer ?. Holy Ground; the final episode….enjoy?
Episode 16 – Won’t God Do it!
That evening, they had an intimate candle-lit dinner, that was set up in Yooku’s hotel room. They ate and talked about the future.
In the middle of their conversation, Esaba teared up out of nowhere. She was trying so hard not to ruin the moment
“Baby? What’s wrong? ” Yooku asked worriedly
A tear dropped down to her cheek, she wiped it then Yooku reached out for her hand. Esaba stretched her hand from across the table to hold his hand .
“ What’s the matter, baby? ” Yooku asked again.
Esaba smiled, she wanted to find the words but she was so overwhelmed to speak. Yooku held her by the hand tightly and from across the table, he helped her up. She walked to his side of the table and Yooku sat her down on his lap. He wiped her eyes and caressed her face. Esaba blushed and smiled shyly
“Talk to me honey, where did you go? Why are you crying?” Yooku asked
“I am happy ” she said and her voice broke.
Yooku wiped her eyes and she continued talking.
“I can’t believe this is my life. I can’t believe you are my man. I have always wondered the man I would get married to someday. But with the life I was living, with all my struggles, tears, and pain I felt undeserving of good things, of true love. So I settled, I was settling until I decided to leave, to try and take charge of my life. The night I was leaving Senyo, a big part of me wanted to go back. I kept telling myself that he isn’t so bad and I can make it work but another part of me was tired. She wanted a change, she wanted to be happy and she knew if she didn’t leave she would be stuck, and unhappy forever.
So I run, I cried, and I prayed because I was heading to an unknown and it was scary. But God did it, God knew I deserved better and held my hand every step of the way to his holy ground, it might be just Capecoast to you and everyone else but to me, it’s God’s Holy ground, He changed my life. I decided to trust God, learn to have faith in Him. You were the last man I ever thought God was preparing for me. My life changed when I got to Capecoast, I reconciled with my mother, then suddenly I meet my father, an amazing father every daughter prays to have, I have awesome friends now who make me feel the sense of belonging, I am not alone anymore. Now here I am in Canada, studying to enter medical school and also engaged to be married to you, the most amazing man I know and would ever know” Esaba said tearfully.
It broke Yooku into tears too, he wiped his eyes and hugged Esaba. They hugged and cried in each other’s arms but it was tears of joy and of happiness. Yooku held her little chin up, looked into her eyes, and smiled. Esaba smiled too, Yooku sighed and opened up to Esaba.
“I have never loved anyone as much as I love you, my love for you completes me. It was scary and I didn’t know why. I tried to fight it because I thought I had someone and I didn’t want to hurt her but now at this moment, listening to you talk, I realize I wasn’t ever going to be able to fight the love I have for you because I would be fighting against the will and purpose of God. We are meant to be together, I know it and I am so glad God chose you to be my wife. I promise you that the only tears that would fall down your cheeks would be tears of joy. With God being my strength I promise to be the best husband and more to you and the kids He shall bless us with. I love you Esaba, I do. I love you so much” Yooku said
Esaba looked at him and nodded.
“I love you more, so much more and I promise to be a good wife to you and the great mother to our kids. Our twins!”
“You want twins?” Yooku asked excitedly.
“ Yes! I really do! ” Esaba said and chuckled.
“ Me too honey,” he said
Yooku smiled and looked at her
“ From your lips to God’s ears then baby. I love you” Yooku said calmly and kissed her.
Mandy called her, she had been very busy running some errands for her boss and hadn’t gotten time to congratulate Esaba. She hasn’t been able keep calm ever since Yooku told her about his plans to propose. Esaba smiled before she answered the call.
“It’s a fiancée! My baby girl got engaged! Oh my God!” Mandy said excitedly
Esaba kissed Yooku’s forehead and got off his lap to talk to Mandy.
Yooku called the reception to have someone clear up the dinner table in his room. He was still in his suit, so he freshened up and changed into a black hoodie and grey sweatpants, that he looked very handsome in.
Esaba looked up at him and her heart skipped a beat. His hands were in the front pockets of the hoodie, he smiled and stared at Esaba. She smiled and blushed.
“ I can’t believe he is all mine,” she thought as she spoke to Mandy.
Mandy ended the call moments later then Esaba walked to him.
“You look so cute babe,” she said and wrapped her arm around him. Yooku looked down at her and chuckled.
“I do huh?” he asked
“Yes! Yes you do! I am sure God spent a little more time on you when He was creating you. Thank you, God! I get to marry God’s best creation! I won! ” Esaba said excitedly
“Facts! Just facts! ” Yooku said
They both laughed and hugged each other.
The morning before Yooku was set to leave for Ghana with Ekow after staying one month in Canada, he visited Esaba and gave her the hoodie.
Esaba had forgotten about it, she laughed when Yooku handed it to her.
“Since you loved it so much, I thought maybe you would love to have it. I would love to see you in it”
Esaba chuckled and sniffed it.
“Oh, it smells like you! I am going to cherish it forever” Esaba said and kissed him.
Yooku kissed her back, very passionately.
“I would miss you my love” he said.
“I would miss you more”
“Don’t forget to send me photos of you in the hoodie okay?”
Esaba laughed
“Sure babe. I would do just that”
They hugged again and they went downstairs to be with the family, Yooku spent the whole day with the family and Esaba drove them to the airport where they spent a little time together before they boarded the plane.
Esaba wanted a year to plan the wedding, but Yooku couldn’t wait a year to marry her. Mandy, Camila, and her mother were her wedding planners. She described to them all she wanted and the three came together to help give Esaba the perfect wedding. After six months of thorough planning, Esaba came to Ghana a couple of weeks to her wedding.
Mrs Solomon hasn’t seen her in-person after their video call together the morning after she got engaged. She was so happy to see Esaba she was over the moon that she was getting married to Yooku
“There she is, the latest Mrs. Solomon in town” she said when she saw Esaba
Esaba chuckled
“You are the first Mrs. Solomon mummy” Esaba said and hugged her.
“And you are the second and the best!”
“Thank you”
“Welcome home my dear. How was the flight?”
“It was good mummy. I enjoyed it”
Mandy along with some Doctors and nurses at Ashton, planned a surprised bridal shower for her. Yooku brought her the cake and they cut it together. Yooku couldn’t wait to marry her, he never imagined he would be so excited about his marriage. He wanted the days to fly by quickly so he can have Esaba all to himself.
A few days to the wedding, Jojo surprised all of them, he had been planning it with Yooku for weeks. Esaba was so happy, she had missed him so much. Yooku asked him to be his best man early on and he was very honored. He booked his flight and planned with Yooku to surprise the family.
Esaba didn’t want a big wedding, she wanted a small one with only the people who mean the world to her there. Everyone expected a church wedding since they knew Esaba to be a good Christian girl, so she took everyone by surprise when she decided on a garden wedding.
Ekow had a bright idea when he found out his daughter wanted a garden wedding, he made sure to finish one of his homes in Aburi to have Esaba get married there.
Both families were in awe when they saw what Ekow had done with the place. Esaba dropped her jaw in amazement. Ekow paid extra attention to the garden; it was beautiful.
On the eve of her white wedding, after the traditional engagement, both mothers still made sure Yooku and Esaba stayed away from each other. They only texted, they missed each other so much.
Camila arrived in Ghana that evening, she missed Esaba’s traditional wedding but made sure not to miss the white wedding.
Jojo went to get her from the Airport and they hit it off quickly, by evening they had exchanged numbers and were talking.
The next morning which was the wedding day, Esaba woke up excited. Mandy was the first to enter the room.
“She’s awake! The bride is awake” she teased
Mandy walked to her and sat on the bed, she took Esaba’s hand and prayed with her, Esaba felt so grateful to have a friend like Mandy. After the prayer, Esaba smiled and hugged her.
“I love you Mandy” she said.
“I love you too. Now let’s get you pretty!” Mandy said excitedly and they started dressing up.
After an hour, Jojo brought a gift for Esaba from Yooku. It was a letter and a black jewelry box.
“Hello, Mrs. Solomon,
My beautiful wife to be. I know we decided not to give each other gifts until the honeymoon. Your honeymoon gift is still with me though but I couldn’t help but get you something today too. I saw it when I was getting your engagement ring and it screamed your name and I knew it would be a perfect accessory to your gown. I don’t mind if you can’t put it on today, I just wanted you to have it because you deserve every good and shiny thing the world has to offer you, my queen. I love you so much and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my entire life with you. I hope you like your gift, see you walking down the aisle soon my love.
Your Husband,
Yooku Solomon”
Esaba smiled and opened the box, she saw two diamond bracelets in it, they were very beautiful. She giggled and asked Mandy to help her put it on.
All the invited guests arrived and were seated. Kukua couldn’t make it, she moved to New Zealand with her husband after her wedding and was pregnant.
Ewuradjoa, Mandy, and Camila planned the wedding perfectly, taking every detail into consideration.
They mounted a stage for the instrumentalist because Yooku wanted Esaba’s Sunday school teen choir to sing while Esaba walked down the aisle and Ewurafua was more than honored to oblige.
The instrumentalist set the stage and the drummer started to play the song Yooku had requested; H.E.R and Tauren Well’s song Hold us together. It was a song he knew Esaba would absolutely love. He made sure Ewurafua and Jeffrey; now Ewurafua’s boyfriend rehearsed the song thoroughly.
They walked on the stage together excitedly.
“Good morning ladies and gentlemen. How are you all feeling?” Ewurafua said confidently.
The guest clapped and cheered her on
“I have here with me, Jeffrey, and we are going to sing one of the bride’s favorite songs. We sure do hope you enjoy it” Ewurafua continued.
She nodded at Jeffrey then to the instrumentalist again and they started playing the tune to the song. Ewurafua sang beautifully, her verse then Jeffrey sang his.
Audrey dressed in a cute white dress dropped rose petals on the aisle. The guests smiled and some laughed when Jude walked down the aisle with the rings in his cute black suit and dark shades.
When they got to the chorus of the song, the choir all dressed in a white robe emerged gracefully from the back of the stage all clapping and singing beautifully.
When the choir had settled behind Jeffrey and Ewurafua, still singing and clapping, Ewurafua introduced Esaba.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, shall we all rise for the bride” she said.
The guest stood up, all of them looking at the back waiting for Esaba to come out.
Then there she was, walking gracefully and calmly with her parents holding her hands. It was a beautiful sight to behold. Mandy and Camila walked behind them, Mandy has already teared up.
Yooku told his family and Jojo that he wasn’t going to cry but the sight of Esaba walking down the aisle and he knowing that she was walking to him hit him differently, and even though he didn’t want to cry, his tears betrayed him.
Jojo laughed to himself and handed Yooku a white handkerchief. Esaba got to Yooku and Ekow shook Yooku’s hand.
“Take care of her” he whispered.
Yooku nodded and hugged Ekow and Ewuradjoa. Yooku took Esaba by the hand and smiled at her. Esaba looked at him too and smiled under her veil.
The pastor asked who was in charge of giving Esaba away to Yooku then Ewuradjoa and Ekow stood up.
“We are” they said in unison.
They were holding hands, Ewuradjoa even before Yooku proposed to Esaba asked Ekow if he was willing to give their relationship another go after staying away for more than twenty years apart, after months of thinking and praying Ekow decided to start a new relationship with his first love.
The wedding was very intimate, Esaba teared up as she said her vows, and Yooku wiped her eyes. After the wedding, they had a beautiful reception. They partied all night.
Fiifi Solomon sponsored their honeymoon to the Maldives. A place Esaba only dreamt about visiting and now on her honeymoon she’s gotten an opportunity to go there.
Before they left for the airport that night, Ekow gave Yooku the keys to the Aburi house.
“You can still keep your apartment in Accra because of work Yooku, I know Esaba would have to return to Canada for school, so you can use this place for vacations or whatever you want. It’s yours” Ekow said.
Yooku was so grateful he hugged Ekow
“Thank you so much!” he said
“Don’t thank me, you are my son now” Ekow said.
Esaba hugged and thank her father.
“Now go before you miss your flight you two” Ekow said
They smiled and rushed outside, some guests waited outside with small fire sparklers to usher them into the car. Mandy and Camila hugged them tightly when they got to the car.
“Go have fun and make some babies!” Mandy said
They laughed and got into the car, they sighed and looked at each other then they kissed.
“I love you,” Yooku said.
“I love you more” she said
On the honeymoon, Esaba was a little shy and Yooku knew. He took his time with her, till she felt comfortable. She smiled at him and initiated the first kiss, Yooku kissed her back and carried her to the bed, and made sweet love to her. They spent most of their honeymoon in bed making love, Yooku couldn’t get enough of her.
After two weeks they returned from their honeymoon, Esaba stayed a month in Ghana with her family and left for Canada with her siblings.
It was the hardest thing she had to do, she was going to miss Yooku so much, especially making love to him. They hugged and kissed then she left, on the plane she stared at her ring and at photos of Yooku, she was in love with him all over again.
When she landed, she suddenly became nauseous and rushed to the washroom to throw up, she is a pre-med student clearly she knew some of the symptoms of pregnancy. She went to a pharmacy and got a pregnancy kit.
She called her mother first when the test came out positive. Ewuradjoa had wanted to stay back to spend time with Ekow but she got the next available flight to Canada the following week.
When the excitement had died down and Esaba was sure she was pregnant, she took a photo of the kit and sent it to Yooku.
“We are pregnant babe” she captioned it
Yooku called the moment he read the message.
“Oh my God! Are you serious? ” he said
Esaba laughed
“Yep. I am serious”
Yooku was so excited but worried, he wanted to be close to Esaba but he had work, he thought of ways to make it work but none of his options made it easier but Esaba was fine, even though she needed him she understood their situation.
When Esaba was five months in, she called Mandy and told her the good news, on that same call Mandy also told her about a new younger guy she had met.
“He is younger but really mature. He doesn’t seem real because he checks all my boxes. I never thought I would be able to get over Ekow but I think he is gradually helping me get Ekow out of my system”
“Wow! So happy for you Mandy! Hopefully, we would all be planning your wedding soon” Esaba said
“Hopefully, but now let’s focus on you baby mama” Mandy teased.
Yooku took his leave early from work and went to see his wife, he spoke to his boss and it bought him a couple more weeks. He and Esaba had discussed him moving to Canada and they were working on his documents which were taking longer than they had thought.
They were taking a stroll together buying some things for their baby when someone mentioned Esaba’s name. It was Senyo.
Esaba’s eyes widened she couldn’t recognize him at first, but she knew him all too well.
“Senyo! What brings you to Canada? I didn’t know you were out of jail.”
Senyo smiled. Esaba noticed he was different, he spoke calmly and smiled a lot.
” I came with my father, he has a conference here. I got a little lucky because of Daddy so I didn’t stay long in jail”
“Okay, that’s good. You cleaned up nicely. This is my husband, Yooku”
Yooku shook his hand but didn’t really smile. Senyo shook his hand and looked at Esaba’s ring finger.
“Nice ring,” Senyo said to him
Yooku smiled faintly and nodded.
There was an awkward silence and Senyo asked to leave.
When he left, he changed his mind and returned to where Esaba and Yooku were standing and apologized to Esaba for everything he put her through.
Esaba didn’t even know that his apology would make a difference but it did. She accepted his apology and wished him well. Senyo wished her well too and congratulated her on her marriage and her baby.
She asked Senyo about Jeremy but Senyo said he lost contact with Jeremy some years ago. Esaba nodded, she totally understood. Senyo nodded too then asked to leave again. Esaba smiled and waved at him.
Yooku rolled his eyes when Senyo left.
“I still want to beat him up though” Yooku said
Esaba laughed.
“I know, but you should be a little thankful to him, if he hadn’t been a shitty boyfriend I wouldn’t be here married to you”
Yooku smiled and shook his head
“I don’t think so. God would have still found a way to bring us together since we are meant to be together. Nothing is impossible for Him”
Esaba shrugged
“I guess you are right. Anyway, let’s forget about him. I am happy and that’s what matters”
“Of course you are!” Yooku said and tickled her.
After a couple of months, Yooku went back to Ghana but after some weeks, his documents to move to Canada were approved.
Esaba was almost due and wanted Yooku close to her when she is having their baby.
Yooku spoke to his father and Ekow for advice before moving to Canada, he had made a life in Ghana and wasn’t sure it was a good idea to move completely to Canada.
Ekow who had some traveling experience advised Yooku to give staying in Canada a try, he had a lot of qualifications and with a little top up he can build a law career in Canada anyway. His father gave him a bit of similar advice but it balled down to Yooku.
He prayed to God for guidance and after waiting on God for an answer for a week, he decided to go to Canada to be close to his wife. He hated their distance anyway and he knew an opportunity to practice law in Canada is better.
He made it in time before Esaba delivered their daughter, she looked so much like Yooku.
Yooku fell in love with her the minute he carried her into his arms. Esaba looked at him as he held their daughter and smiled weakly, Esaba was losing so much blood and her blood pressure went down.
The doctors suddenly asked Yooku to wait outside and they took their daughter too.
Yooku was angry, he was scared. He looked through the window as the doctors and nurses tried to save Esaba.
“What’s going on?” Yooku kept asking as he hit his hand against the theater door.
He rushed out and went to call his mother, he was crying he was so afraid.
“The doctors aren’t telling me anything mummy. I am so scared. I can’t lose her, I can’t mummy”
“Calm down son. You would not lose her. You would not lose her”
Mrs. Solomon said and prayed with her son, after the call Yooku called Ewuradjoa but she was already close to the hospital, she had a feeling something was wrong.
Yooku waited for her at the entrance of the hospital. Seeing how worried Yooku looked, made Ewuradjoa very worried.
She held Yooku in her arms as he cried. When he was done crying they rushed to the reception to wait.
Yooku almost had an altercation with one of the nurses but Ewuradjoa pulled him away and sat him down.
“Relax Yooku. Everything would be fine. Sometimes, no news is good news” Ewuradjoa said.
They waited another hour then they saw a nurse coming out with their daughter, she was smiling.
Yooku and Ewuradjoa rushed to her and Yooku took the baby
“How about my wife?” Yooku asked worriedly.
“She is fine too but resting now” the nurse said and smiled
Yooku sighed and hugged the nurse with one arm.
“Thank You, God! Can we see her now?” he asked
“Yes. But please don’t wake her” she said and showed them Esaba’s ward.
Yooku kissed Esaba’s forehead and sat on the chair by her bed and watched her rest. He stayed the whole night with Ewuradjoa till Esaba woke up.
“Hi” Yooku said when Esaba opened her eyes
Esaba smiled.
Yooku placed their daughter in her arms and Esaba teared up.
“She is beautiful,” Esaba said
“She is but she is very hungry” Yooku said
Esaba smiled and breastfed her
Yooku was at peace as he watched Esaba breastfeeding their daughter.
“I love you, baby. You scared me” he said
“I am sorry babe. I know you were worried”
“oh no, don’t apologize. It’s not your fault” Yooku said and kissed her.
Ewuradjoa who had gone to get some coffee for Yooku came back to see her daughter fine and feeding her granddaughter.
“Thank you God!” she said and rushed to Esaba.
Yooku quickly took the coffee cup from her hand in case it poured on his daughter.
Ewuradjoa hugged Esaba
“I am so glad you are fine. I thank God” Ewuradjoa said
After two weeks. Esaba was discharged.
Yooku helped Esaba with everything, he was so excited to be a father, and that made things easier for Esaba.
They had a beautiful baby christening six months later in their home and the rest of the family joined via zoom.
They named their daughter, Genevieve Ewuradjoa Solomon after both their mothers, even though the baby was born on a Friday, they wanted to honor their mothers.
Sooo nice and sweet
Yes thank you dear