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Hi there! Welcome to my world. My name is Lillian Maafia Nhyira Appiah. My friends call me Lillian, others call me Lil, a few call me Maame and Maafia. You can decide on which one you are more comfortable with, I respond to all of them. I am a Christian girl from a family of five. I love making new friends, it is always such a blessing to meet new people. I am not much of a talker, I like to sit back and observe things but I really love honest conversations, I am very funny when I get a little comfortable with someone. I love to put a smile on people’s faces or make people laugh. It makes me happy. For writing, I don’t really remember when I started writing but I do remember when I started reading. It was all I ever wanted to do when I was about eight years old. I think the writing just happened because of the many books I was reading. It was easy to imagine things or create a story in my head and write it down. Now I love writing more than reading.

I am such a romantic, I love love, I really do. I mean God is Love and Love makes the world go round. I do agree with Jackie DeShannon “What the world needs now is Love, sweet Love!”  So I write Love stories, anything Love and I am right there ?

I didn’t dream of managing a blog, it just happened. My brother mentioned it to me a couple of times and I decided to do it. He encouraged me to put up my stories for the world to read and that’s basically how was born. He has his own amazing website, you can check out

My hobbies I would say are travelling, cooking, cleaning (I love my things arranged in a certain way.  I don’t know, it makes me feel really good), dancing, singing, sleeping (I need my beauty sleep you know). You can learn more about me when you check out One Hundred Things That Make me Happy you would find out a thing or two about me.

This is indeed a great opportunity to learn from my mistakes and to perfect my writing. I do hope you sneak in here at 1 am when you can’t sleep or when you are at a boring meeting and you need to get away for a while. I pray my stories encourage you, make you laugh or cry or just make you feel something, anything! Its been an honor meeting you. Let’s keep in touch ♥♥♥