Hey guys? . I really owe you all an apology for waiting this long to write this episode. I am really sorry☹️ . I suddenly got very busy and couldn’t get enough time to write and publish new stories. The good news is that I am back and I really hope I won’t keep you guys waiting this long ☺️. This episode is dedicated to you, Kukua Bobson❤️ you are amazing and I love you. God bless your beautiful soul. Nana Yaa Episode 21 enjoy…. ?


Word of Honour

Jeffrey was very nervous, his heart started beating very fast when Mr. Osei Danquah opened the door. On their way to the Jewellery shop, George asked if Nana Yaa’s parents knew about the proposal. Jeffrey suddenly realised he was about to make a mistake by not asking permission from Nana’s father. He quickly asked George to drive him to Mr. Osei Danquah’s house.

He noticed the surprise on Mr. Osei Daquah’s face when he told him about his plans of marrying Nana Yaa.

“Young man, are you serious about what you are saying?”

Jeffrey nodded.

“I have never felt this way about anyone sir, and your daughter really makes me want to be a better person. I can’t live my life without her in it. I did try and those years without her were the worst years of my life. So please sir, may I have your daughter’s hand in marriage? Please “

Mr. Osei Danquah removed his glasses and took a better look at Jeffrey.

“Does Nana Yaa feel this same way about you?”

Jeffrey smiled and nodded.

Mr. Danquah knew about Jeffrey, he knew his daughter became very happy when Jeffrey came into her life.

I don’t know a lot about you son, I wish I had more time to get to know you before I agree to your request but I must admit, I appreciate you coming to me first before asking her to marry you. I can see how much you love her and ever since you came into her life, I have seen her very happy. I want to believe you are the reason for her happiness, I want to see more of that, so son, you have my blessing to marry my daughter “ 

Jeffrey jumped out of his seat and hugged Mr. Danquah. He was so happy.

“ Thank you so much sir. I promise you wouldn’t regret this decision”

Mr. Danquah nodded and shook his hand.

“ I really need to go sir, I want to propose this afternoon and I have to go and get a ring now”

Mr. Danquah decided to join them, he wasn’t going to miss his only daughter’s surprise proposal. Jeffrey waited as he dressed up and led him to his car. The boys weren’t expecting to see Mr. Danquah so it was a little awkward in the car at first, but they tried to get along.

They arrived at the shop and Mr. Danquah helped Jeffrey pick out an amazing ring. Jeffrey was surprised his future father in-law had a good eye and an amazing taste in jewellery. He looked at Mr. Danquah and was very glad he was going to be his father in law.

They rushed home to the girls and spilled the tea. They were so excited, more excited Mr. Danquah gave his blessing. They quickly devised a plan to make the proposal memorable.

Jeffrey drove back to get Nana Yaa as planned, he was a little late due to the running around.

He was all dressed up. Nana Yaa was a bit confused when she saw him.

“what are you up to Jeffrey. Nice suit by the way”

” thanks my love. Now baby, I need you to dress up, we are going to be late”

“ late for what? What’s going on? I am not dressing up until you tell me what you are up to Jeffrey ” she said and folded her arms.

Jeffrey knew how stubborn she is sometimes so he had the perfect lie to distract her from the actual plan.

“ I was talking to the guys the other day and Stephen spoke about this new hotel. Kempinksi I think? He went there with Tasha and they recommended it. They wanted to be sure they got us a table before I mentioned anything. That’s why  this morning I wasn’t very sure where we were going. But now we have a table and they want to treat us to dinner. We are already late baby, so just go upstairs and look your best”

Nana Yaa was excited, she had been to Kempinksi just once for a meeting and couldn’t get time to explore the place because she was so tired after the meeting  and rushed home.

When Nana Yaa rushed up the stairs, Jeffrey took the opportunity to tell her mother everything and showed her the ring.
Tears filled her eyes, it reminded her so much of the time Ebo came to ask for Nana Yaa’s hand in marriage. She smiled and hugged Jeffrey.
“ Thank you so much for being the man she deserves Jeffrey. I know you both are going to be amazing together”

“ Thank you so much. She is the woman I want to marry now because of how you raised her. She is so perfect. Would you want to see the proposal? Mr. Danquah is already on board and is waiting for me to bring Nana Yaa to the hotel”

Doreen laughed and shrugged.
“ of course. I would go get dressed now” she said and excused herself.

Nicole was so nervous when they were taking so long to get to the hotel. She was fidgeting and George held her hand to help her relax.
They ordered for some drinks while they waited. Tasha was very happy for her friend and couldn’t wait to see her.
Jeffrey texted George when they arrived at the hotel. George prompted everyone, especially the girls to act cool before Nana Yaa got there.

Nana Yaa was happy to see everyone especially her father.

“Daddy? What are you doing here?”

” A man’s got to eat honey,and I couldn’t say no to free food” he said and hugged his daughter.

He hugged his wife too and squeezed her hand. Doreen squeezed his too, their way of telling each other that they were excited about the good news.

Jeffrey pulled a chair for her to sit and he sat next to her. They ordered right after. They ate and laughed a lot and danced to the tunes the live band played. Nana Yaa was so happy and relaxed. She held Jeffrey’s hand to get his attention. He looked at her and she whispered that she loved him. Jeffrey whispered back. She smiled.

The waitress brought them their dessert, Jeffrey pretended to be distracted by the music and didn’t notice when the waitress placed a chocolate cake in front of him. She placed a vanilla mint ice cream in front of Nana Yaa one of her least favourite ice cream flavours. When the waitress was about to leave Nana Yaa called her back.

“ I am sorry but he is allergic to chocolate and I didn’t order for vanilla mint ice cream ” Nana Yaa said to the waitress.
“oh really? But that is what he ordered for you both.I might have heard wrongly. I am sorry, I can change it” the waitress replied.

No. it’s fine baby. Why don’t we just exchange our desserts? I know you really love chocolate cake, just take mine I would eat your ice cream” Jeffrey said

“ Are you sure?Vanilla mint ice cream kind of sucks”

“ Don’t worry baby. I would be fine.”

Nana Yaa smiled and took his cake and placed her ice cream in front of him.

When Nana Yaa was halfway done with the cake, Jeffrey gave the guys playing the live band music a signal and they started playing Barry White’s Never Never Gonna Give You up”  one of Nana Yaa’s favourite songs.

She started nodding and singing along while eating her cake. She took her last bite and noticed everyone had their phones out and was recording her, the lights in the hall were dimmed and a spot light was placed on her.

She looked around wondering what was happening then saw Jeffrey on one knee. He had in his hand the most beautiful ring she had ever seen. She was shocked but kept her cool and looked at Jeffrey.

Nana Yaa my love, you are so beautiful both inside and out. I thank God everyday that I got to meet you. I didn’t know true love existed till I met you my love. I wish my words could describe how much I love you Nana. I want to grow old with you. I want a daughter who looks just like you. I pray she has your smile and your eyes. Please Nana, will you marry me?”

Nana Yaa was already crying she was so happy, so happy it felt surreal. She touched Jeffrey’s face and looked and him with so much love in her eyes. And nodded.
“Yes Jeffrey. A million times yes. I love you” she said and kissed him.
Everyone in the hall clapped. Jeffrey placed the ring on her finger and hugged her.

Their friends and a few guests at the restaurant came around to hug and congratulate them.

She hugged her parents and cried in their arms, they were so happy for her. After Ebo, they weren’t sure they would meet anyone deserving of their daughter.

It was getting late and people started to leave the restaurant, but Nana Yaa and Jeffrey stayed and danced slowly in each others arms all night to the tunes from the live band.


I hope you enjoyed this episode guys….? See you soon….? ?. Have an amazing week…?