I have been meaning to do this a long time ago, to let you guys know things that make me happy but I hadn’t made the list, I wasn’t sure I would get one hundred things that really make me.

I initially saw this on KeniKodjo’s Blog http://kenikodjo.com and a few other blogs, it made me I realize it’s actually a thing now so I decided to make my list to see what I would come up with,to my amazement, I found out I really do have more than one hundred things that make me happy which I am very grateful for. So ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls this is one hundred things that make me happy, a part of me I usually don’t let out. I hope you enjoy my list…?

1. God

2. Gospel Music (William McDowell, Hillsong, Joe Mettle, Travis Greene etc.)


4. Doing Anything with IKON

5. Babies, puppies, kittens

6. Scented Candles

7. Weddings

8. Having a meaningful conversation with an older person

9. My Bedroom

10. Love stories

11. “Just Because” Gifts

12. Surprise Parties

13. Red, Black, Purple and Deep Blue nail polish

14. FaceTime

15. Teddy Bears

16. Perfume

17. When AJ does my make up

18. Natural Hair

19. Shopping

20. Sleeping next to my mother

21. Finding money in my jeans or an old hand bag

22. Laughing

23. Christmas Carols

24. Weekends and Holidays

25. Sitting next to IKON

26. Road trips

27. Sweet Random text messages

28. Watching cartoon at dawn

29. Hugs

30. When I make people laugh

31. Cooking

32. Red flat shoes

33. Waakye

34. Sleepovers

35. AJ’s brownies

36. Chinese Food

37. When someone compliments my writing

38. Talking and laughing with friends

39. Reading a good book

40. Writing a story

41. Apple Products

42. Honest Conversations

43. Men that smell good

44. Holding hands

45. Long walks with people I love

46. Singing in the car with IKON

47. Seeing people I love succeed

48. Tank tops and shorts

49. Dancing in my room at night when I discover a new song and it’s on repeat

50. When my parents laugh

51. Grey’s Anatomy

52. Red bottom heels

53. When my alarm goes off on a holiday or weekend morning

54. Family gatherings

55. My Parent’s cooking

56. Urban Grill

57. Lunch dates

58. Chocolate cake

59. Customized Bracelets

60. A man with a good sense of humor and fashion

61. Spending time with my brothers

62. Learning something new

63. Praying

64. When my daddy checks in on me in my room

65. Fruits

66. The smell of rain

67. Neatly laid beds; a neat room period.

68. New Stationaries

69. Sitting outside with my family when the lights are off

70. Eggs cooked “sunny-side up”

71. Learning to play the guitar

72. When things on my office desk are neatly arranged

73. Getting 8 hours sleep

74. Love songs

75. Being pampered

76. Wearing oversized T-shirts to sleep

77. Meeting new people I can easily connect with

78. People who speak Good English

79. People who do not text with shorthand

80. A glass of water with pieces of lemon in it.

81. Foot massage

82. Listening to good music on a bus with an earpiece and with my eyes closed

83. When I find out I have things in common with people I love

84. Pancakes

85. Kelewele

86. Hot Spicy chicken

87. When I hear my parent’s voice

88. A warm shower on a cold day

89. Butterfly wall Stickers

90. Movies that make me tear up

91. Rooting for IKON in a FIFA video game tournament

92. Spoken Word

93. The colours Purple, Red and Wine

94. People with nice hands and neat finger nails

95. When IKON says “I love your eyes, they are very beautiful”

96. Jazz Music

97. Chocolate chip, cookie dough ice cream

98. Fufu with Chicken Light soup

99. Watching IKON from a distance

100. Reading my Bible on Quiet mornings